Speed and accuracy in stereo vision are of foremost importance in many applications. Very few authors focus on both aspects and in this paper we propose a new local algorithm that achieves highaccuracy in real-time. Our GPU implementation of a disparity estimator levels with the fastest published so far with 4839 MDE/s (Millions of Disparity Estimation per Second) but is the most precise at that speed. Moreover, our algorithm achieves high-accuracythanks to a reliability criterion in the matching decision rule. A quantitative and qualitative evaluation has been done on the Middlebury benchmark and on real data showing the superiority of our algorithm in terms of execution speed and matching accuracy. Accomplishing such performances in terms of speed and quality opens the way for new applications in 3D media and entertainment services.
“A Precise Real-time Stereo Algorithm“, V. Drazic, N. Sabater, Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand IVCNZ 2012.