Publications 30 papers: 1PhD thesis, 10 journals, 18 oral presentations and 1 Poster at conferences. "“Metagrating solutions for full color single-plate waveguide combiner” Oksana Shramkova * , Valter Drazic, Guillaume Bourcin, Bobin Varghese, Laurent Blondé, and Valérie Allié , Metamaterials for Novel Wave Phenomena in Microwaves, Optics, and Mechanics. 2022. "Over-wavelength pitch sized diffraction gratings for augmented reality applications. ",Drazic, Valter; Shramkova, Oksana; Varghese, Bobin; Blondé, Laurent; De La Perrière, Vincent Brac; Schiffler, Jesse; Twardowski, Patrice; Lecler, Sylvain; Walter, Benjamin; Mairiaux, Estelle; Bavedila, Fuanki; Faucher, Marc; Allié, Valérie. 2022 Optics Express 30(2) 1293-1303. "Optical efficiency enhancement of nanojet-based dielectric double-material color splitters for image sensor applications. ",Oksana Shramkova *, Valter Drazic, Bobin Varghese, Laurent Blondé and Valerie Allié , To be published in Nanomaterials. "Full color waveguide combiner with embedded metagrating. ",O. Shramkova, L. Blondé, V. Drazic, B. Varghese, V. Allié, META 2021, New York, USA. "High-uniformity dielectric U-shaped surface relief grating coupler for AR headsets.",O. Shramkova, V. Drazic, B. Varghese, L. Blondé, V. Brac De La Perriere, V. Allié, SPIE Nanosciene and Engineering, August 2021, San Diego, USA. "Experimental observation of asymmetrical microwave jets and far-field distribution generated by a dual-material system.",B. Varghese1, , O. Shramkova1, P. Minard2, L. Blondé1, V. Drazic1, V. Allié1, Scientific Report, June 2021. "Edge wave enabled Diffractive Optical Elements for Augmented Reality glasses.", Valter Drazic , Oksana Shramkova, Bobin Varghese, Laurent Blondé, Valérie Allié, 1SPIE Photonics West, Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality (AR, VR, MR) II, March 2021, San Francisco, USA. "Synthesis of Computer Generated Holograms Using Layer-Based Method and Perspective Projection Images.", Vincent Brac de la Perriere; Valter Drazic; Didier Doyen; Arno Schubert, 2020 International Conference on 3D Immersion (IC3D). "Nanojet-based dielectric multi-material color splitters for image sensor applications.", Oksana Shramkova*, Valter Drazic, Laurent Blondé, Bobin Varghese, Valérie Allié, SPIe Photonics Europe, April 2020, Strasbourg, France. "High-uniformity, high-performance double material dielectric diffractive metagratings.", O. Shramkova, V. Drazic, L. Blondé, B. Varghese, V. Allié, 14th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena - Metamaterial 2020, New-York, USA. "Influence of an edge height on the diffracted EM field distribution.", Bobin Varghese, Oksana Shramkova, Valter Drazic, Valérie Allié, Laurent Blondé* , ICTON July 2019, Angers, France. "Photonic nanojet generated by dielectric multi-material microstructures.", Oksana Shramkova*, Laurent Blondé, Valter Drazic, Bobin Varghese, Valérie Allié , META July 2019, Lisbon, Portugal. "Plenoptic Sensor : Application to Extend Field-of-View", B. Vandame, V. Drazic, M. Hog, N. Sabater, 26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Rome Sept. 3-7, 2018 "Nearfield focusing by edge diffraction", V. Drazic, R. Keating, M. Damghanian, O. Shramkova, L. Blondé. Optics Letters, vol. 43, Issue 16, pp. 4053-4056 (2018). "Localized photonic jets generated by step-like dielectric microstructures", O. Shramkova, V. Drazic, M. Damghanian, A. Boriskin, V. Allié, L. Blondé, International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 1-5 July 2018, Bucharest, Romania. "Camera-agnostic format and processing for light-field data", Mitra Damghanian, Paul Kerbiriou, Valter Drazic, Didier Doyen, Laurent Blondé, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW), 10-14 July 2017 "On plenoptic sub-aperture view recovery", Mozhdeh Seifi, Neus Sabater, Valter Drazic, Patrick Pérez, 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 29 Aug.-2 Sept. 2016 "An Image Rendering Pipeline for Focused Plenoptic Cameras", M. Hog, N. Sabater, B. Vandame, V. Drazic, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, Vol. 14, No 8, August 2015. "Disparity-guided demosaicking of light field images", M. Seifi, N. Sabater, V. Drazic, P. Perez, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2014 "Accurate Disparity Estimation for Plenoptic Images", N. Sabater, M. Seifi, V. Drazic, G. Sandri, P. Perez, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2014 Workshops. "Fusion of Kinect depth data with trifocal disparity estimation for near real-time high quality depth maps generation", G. Boisson, P. Kerbiriou, V. Drazic, O. Bureller, N. Sabater, A. Schubert. Proc. SPIE 9011, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXV, 90110J. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2014. "A real-time 3D multi-view rendering from a real-time 3D capture", D. Doyen, S. Thiebaud, V. Drazic, C. Thébault. Vol. 44, N°. 1 July, 578-581, SID 2013 "A Precise Real-time Stereo Algorithm", V. Drazic, N. Sabater, Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand IVCNZ 2012. "Optimal design and critical analysis of a high-resolution video plenoptic demonstrator", V. Drazic, JJ Sacré, A. Schubert, J. Bertrand, E. Blondé. Journal of Electronic Imaging 21(1), 011007 (Jan–Mar 2012) . “Optimal design and critical analysis of a high-resolution video plenoptic demonstrator“, V. Drazic, JJ Sacré, A. Schubert, J. Bertrand, E. Blondé. Proceedings Volume 7863, Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXII; 786318 (2011) , IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, 2011, San Francisco "Optimal Depth Resolution in Plenoptic Imaging", V. Drazic, IEEE Internacional Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 19-23 July 2010, Singapore (ICMA 2010) "Fonctions de transfert optique tridimensionnelles et critère de confocalité pour le microscope à balayage", PhD Thesis for the grade of Dr.-Ing. From the Karlsruhe Institut of Technology. Thesis defense on April, 27th 1993, Publication June, 11th 1993 Verlag Shaker, Aachen 1993. ISBN 3-8611-603-0 "Three-dimensional Transfer Function Analysis of a Confocal Fluorescence Microscope With a Finite-sized Source and Detector", Valter DRAZIC, Journal of Modern Optics, 1993, Pages 879-887 "Three-dimensional transfer function of coherent confocal microscopes with extended source and detector", Valter DRAZIC, Journal of Modern Optics, 1992, vol. 39, No. 8, 1777-1790. "Dependence of two- and three-dimensional optical transfer functions on pinhole radius in a coherent confocal microscope", Valter DRAZIC, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 9, No 5, May 1992, 725-731